
Learn Privacy-Enhancing Techniques with Cryptographic Games


ZenGo-X (admin)

binance-chain/tss-lib (maintainer)

rust-paillier (maintainer)

OpenMined/PySyft (contributor)

Projects (lead)

multi-party-ecdsa: Rust implementation of {t,n}-threshold ECDSA (elliptic curve digital signature algorithm)

curv: Rust language general purpose elliptic curve cryptography

fs-dkr: A novel Distributed Key Rotation library written in Rust

class: Rust library for building IQC: cryptography based on class groups of imaginary quadratic orders

vice-city: distributed RSA modulus generation in Rust

rust-elgamal: Rust implementation of ElGamal encryption 

zk-paillier: A collection of Paillier cryptosystem zero knowledge proofs

multi-party-bls: Threshold BLS signatures in Rust

multi-party-schnorr: Rust implementation of multi-party Schnorr signatures over elliptic curves

bulletproofs: Bulletproofs and Bulletproofs+ Rust implementation for Aggregated Range Proofs over multiple elliptic curves

white-city: Network layer for MPC (Secure Multi-Party Computation) based on Tendermint

gotham-city: Gotham city is a fully functional project to demonstrate real-life example of minimalist Bitcoin decentralized HD wallet using 2 party ECDSA

multi-party-eddsa: Rust implementation of multi party Ed25519 signature scheme

multi-hop-locks: ECDSA based construction for Anonymous Multi-Hop Locks

emerald-city: WASM/HW-friendly lightweight client application for threshold ECDSA

paradise-city: Rust implementation of Zcash multi-signautres

centipede: Verifiable Encryption of DLog

rsa-vdf: Simple RSA VDF in Rust